Sunday, April 28, 2013



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I see a child filled with joy
On a playground swing;
I see an old man lost and alone,
A city street for a home;
And I wonder why
More is lost than found
On this Merry-go-round.

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day End

Day End

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 A billion years I have come
To see the lights and forms
Of the cosmic sea,
To feel the breath of particles in motion,
The heat of elements burning...

The day end rushes out to sea
From the western land edge,
Pulling darkness across the eastern sky.
I watch from the shoreline,
Unable to follow,
Unable to stop the lights decline.
I would hold on to this day,
Forestall another moment leaving,
Another diminishment.
But there is no hold to grasp
On the end of a day,
On the fade of the light.

And so I watch
As Time, the destroyer of moments,
Ticks down to another ending,
And the great giver of light descends
Behind a wall of darkening gray.
It does not pause,
Does not wait for dreams and wishes
To come true,
Nor care for the plans we pursue.

So many days have fallen
To the darkening sea...
I wonder how many are yet to be
As now the shadows lengthen,
And the darkness
Enfolds on me.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013



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 We are points too small,
Too brief to measure
In a vastness immeasurable;
A boundless sea
Where no time or distance
Finds a shore.

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Thursday, April 11, 2013



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Better to listen
To the silence of a setting sun,
To the early morning chill
On a mountain ridge,
To the whisper of a breaking wave,
Or an owl's evening glide
Across the shadowed meadow grass,
Or a river's fluid flow
Through an ancient canyon pass...
To the tears eternal beauty brings...
Than rhythmic words
And clever rhymes
That make no sense.

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Monday, April 8, 2013



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There are times that end,
Groups of years that mark
The migrations of a life,
From who we were
To who we became,
From where we were
To where we went.
A time ends
And we go on,
To new beginnings
And other endings.

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Friday, April 5, 2013



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There is no bridge
To cross,
No shallow bend
To ford,
No slack in the current
Allowing hearts to merge
Or minds to meet

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Thursday, April 4, 2013



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The waters of the sea
Ever reaching reaching for the land
Ever falling falling back to sea,
Like a yearning never reaching
What it yearns.

Monday, April 1, 2013



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Deep among the mountain trees
The light of day was turning low,
Whereupon a glowing castle rose,
While the clouds of coming night
Placed sentinels above the forest road;
All as if to guard my passing...
Signs of more beyond my sight
Than ancient stones
And the dark that rules the night.



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How can the fallen leaf
Reclaim the limb,
The wind unblow,
A bird unfly?
How the noonday sun
Recant its morning rise,
A life unfeel
A heart's regret?
How can a child unlive
The pains of neglect?


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